I came up with a couple of ideas that might help with this:
The kitchen area should be restricted during “night 🍏 time”, and maybe the team should be instructed to do some other work (like cleaning, shoppinng, etc).
When a new day 🍏 starts, all pizzas should be destroyed
Another suggestion would be to introduce some chaos events to the game. Something like ovens 🍏 failing, machines breaking, sauce spilling and having to deal with it. That kind of stuff really puts teamplay to the 🍏 test. This events could be fired randomly or maybe a “skills system” could be implemented.
I’m not quite sure about aesthetics. 🍏 I think it has a well defined style and it holds toghether as one piece, which is good. But I 🍏 think it could still benefit from some texturing and lighting while staying in the same style.
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